Autumn Bart’s Bees
The Textile department has started the academic year off with a busy term. Year 7s and 8s have been making their felt monsters and cultural tote bags. We continue to celebrate their success by awarding ‘Students of the Term’, for each of our classes, with postcards home, certificates and prizes. Students were awarded the Barts Bee for their excellent achievement in lessons, their participation in class discussions and for always being prepared to learn and fully engage in their Textile lessons. These students have gone above and beyond to produce some excellent written and practical work. Huge congratulations to all the students who completed their products this term.
This terms’ ‘Bart’s Bee Awards’, for being ‘Student of the Term’ in Textiles, have been awarded to:
7S TX1 – Mrs Davies
Winner: Anaisha (7D3)
Runners Up: Timothy (7C1), Elsie (7C2)
7S TX2 – Mrs Richardson
Winner: Scarlett (7D1)
Runners Up: Jimmy (7D2), Flo (7C2) and Sophie (7D2).
7T TX1 – Mrs Richardson
Winner: Nina (7P3)
Runners Up: Kitty (7E1), Honour (7P1), Barney (7E1).
7T TX2 – Miss Brock
Winner: Olivia (7E1)
Runners up: Isla (7E2), Elliot (7P3), Luke (7P2).
8T TX1 – Mrs Richardson
Winner: Alex (8P1)
Runners Up: Joe (8P2), Rosie (8E3) and Poppy (8E2).
8S TX2 – Mrs Richardson
Winner: Evie (8D2)
Runners up: Jacob (8D2), Ava (8C2) Tanishka (8D1).
8T Tx2 – Miss Brock
Winner: Imogen (8E2)
Runners Up: Lacey (8E3) Millie (8P2), Elliot (8P2).
8S TX1 – Mrs Davies
Winner: Jayden (8C1)
Runners Up: Florence (8D1), Alesha (8C1)