Cleancut Drinkware – A Young Enterprise
The Young Enterprise Programme empowers young people to set up and run a student company. Students make all the decisions about their business, from deciding on the company name, managing the company finances to selling to the public. Participants gain practical business experience and key skills. Mrs Seward, Head of Business and Economics, oversees St Bart’s students participating in the programme and says:
“Young Enterprise is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience the reality of running their own business. They learn skills of communication, team work and time management. They develop the ability to problem solve and resolve conflict, for example when materials do not arrive on time or when a member of the company fails to complete the tasks they promised to do! As a school, we have had great success over the years, winning awards for best business plan, best trade stand, most innovative product, management and leadership. Last year’s company, ‘Flame Fortune’, were runners up at the area final and, with the winners, represented Berkshire at the regional final”.
This year, our latest student entrepreneurs are looking for your custom and support. Clean Cut produce drinkware, using a bottle cutter to score the glass, followed by hot and then cold water to separate the glass. They source their glass bottles from Littlecote House Hotel in West Berkshire, following a process that is fully sustainably and returns an ‘up-cycled’ glass bottle to the customer.
Clean Cut Company Member, Charlie Gale (Year 12), says:
“Since September 2024, we have been involved in the Young Enterprise Programme. After joining as a member, you brainstorm and come up with an idea for your company and make it into a reality, taking on various roles that cover all functional areas of a business, including HR, finance, administration, IT, sales, marketing and operations. We are now able to start taking sales from customers, after a busy production period from November to the start of January. We have a range of drinkware that you can request, each for £4, by emailing Look out for more updates from us as we participate in more events!”
The Clean Cut marketing team have been busy setting up an Instagram page, which you can view here.
Congratulations to the Clean Cut team for all the work they have put in to making their company a reality. We hope you can support them. Remember, glasses are £4 each and can be ordered by emailing