Harvest Appeal 2024
Thank you so much to all those who sent/brought in donations as part of our annual Harvest Appeal 2024. The appeal was in support of two fantastic local charities, Loose Ends and Fair Close Centre, and the students from the House that collected the most donations were promised a Non-school Uniform Day. All the Houses collected a really generous selection of canned food, biscuits, chocolate, teabags, jam and cereals, but there could only be one winner and this year it is Evers. Well done Evers and we are pleased to say that your Non-school Uniform Day will be on Friday 8 November – more reminders to follow!
On Wednesday 16 October, Co-Head of Sixth Form, Mr James Wilder, and St Bart’s School Officers, Eve, Will and Milo accompanied by Year 8 students, Joseph, Mille and Jude, visited both charities to deliver the boxes of food and learn more about the important work they do. So much had been collected that it was necessary to make two trips in the van! The students had a wonderful time making deliveries, meeting the volunteers at both charities and chatting to those local residents enjoying the facilities and company at Fair Close Centre.
Millie, Year 8, said: “We learned all about the services the charities provide and helped hand out some of the food. It was really nice to meet everyone at the Fair Close Centre. I was asked lots of questions about what it was like to study at St Bart’s and what I wanted to do with my studies. Some of those I spoke to had also been to St Bart’s and so it was fun to compare school experiences – I think a lot has changed!”