MFL at Home

We just wanted to acknowledge all the hard work being put in by our students over lockdown and to say well done for keeping going with your MFL studies. It was really not the easiest of terms waking up to those dark January mornings and only having the computer screen to welcome you! However, we have been super impressed with how you have all adapted to the new way of working and are really pleased with the progress many of you have continued to make.

Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed that you have been nominated by your class teacher as one of our MFL superstars. If you, your parents or carers are on Instagram, look out for your name on @stbartsmfl especially if you haven’t seen it so far! Why not try to impress your teacher with how quickly or how often you can volunteer answers in the ‘chat’?  We’re especially pleased when you come off mute (if your device allows).

There are plenty of ways you can get involved with our new language games, quizzes, having the top Memrise score (Y9 upwards), cultural competitions (currently ongoing for Y7 and Y8) and keep an eye out for our new inter-country/ inter-city competitions starting with one of your favourites; a  Blooket battle royale!

Finally, please check out our new ‘Stretch and Challenge’ website if you are looking for something extra to do. Fancy doing some exercise in German? Or how about baking your own crêpes in French or a ‘roscón’ in Spanish? Did you know that this year the Chinese are celebrating the year of the Ox? We even have some French songs being uploaded, sung by one of our own former language teachers so why not see if you can work out the words of the songs and learn some new vocabulary in the meantime? It is amazing how much vocabulary and expressions you can pick up without even realising it when you are having fun in the foreign language.

The end to remote learning is in sight but well done so far, keep going and check out what more you could be doing here.  



Weihnachtsplätzchen (Christmas cookies) by Ruby Scarr (10E2)

Stollen by Amelie McKenzie (10C1)


Glücksschweinchen (New Year biscuits) by Luke Rutter (10C3) …

and James Gibbons (10D2)

Februar ..


Izzy Tucker (10D1)