Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant refers to additional funding given to schools to support the students on roll who come from a services family, are in care, have been adopted, and those who receive, or have received free school meals (FSM) in the last six years (Ever 6).
St Bart’s uses the Pupil Premium Grant to support the progress of these students and we are required to publish information on how the Pupil Premium is being spent, together with an evaluation of the impact it is having on the progress and achievement of Pupil Premium students.
The Pupil Premium funding is spent in a number of ways, the impact of which is clearly evaluated. As well as looking at the overall impact of the funding on Pupil Premium students, we also measure the effectiveness of provisions and interventions put in place to support individual students. The impact of each key provision funded by the Pupil Premium Grant is evaluated by analysing the achievement and engagement in learning of the students receiving the provision. This evaluation takes place after each new cycle of progress report data is analysed. This enables both the short and longer term tracking of the impact of each provision. Ongoing analysis of the impact of each provision will enable decisions to be taken about how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant most effectively. Provisions that have the greatest impact will be supported with continued investment, whilst those that are not having as much impact will be reviewed and adapted to ensure they support student progress more effectively.
If you would like to speak to someone at school about Pupil Premium, the first point of contact for parents should be your student’s tutor or their House Office. Alternatively, anyone with further questions, can contact the school.
You can also find information on support for school uniform and eligibility for Free School Meals on our website.