School Uniform
St Bart’s school uniform is compulsory for students in Years 7 – 11. Some items of the uniform feature the school logo, which creates a sense of belonging and purpose for students, clarity for parents/carers and staff, and promotes student identity with our Houses.
You can find our school uniform policy on our policies page.
Please note in Years 7-11:
- Full school uniform must be worn on school days, visits, away sports fixtures and by students on duty at school functions, unless directed otherwise.
- Extravagant hairstyles and hair dyed in unnatural or varied colours are not permitted.
- Make-up (including false eyelashes, false nails and coloured nail varnish) is not allowed.
- No jewellery or body piercing is allowed, apart from one plain stud in one or both ears.
- For health and safety reasons, no jewellery is permitted to be worn in PE lessons.
- School shoes must be plain black, low heels (maximum heel height 5cm) and of formal design. Shoes must not be logoed or branded. Boots, canvas shoes or trainers are not permitted (including leather trainers).
Please refer to the table below for a full uniform list. When you see a * this item is only available from school uniform suppliers.
Uniform Suppliers
40 East Street, Parkway Shopping Centre, Newbury
01635 226703
West Berkshire Clothing
Unit 28, Kennet Centre, Newbury, RG14 5EN
01635 888798
In addition, there is a second-hand uniform shop run by the Parents’ Association which is open on Friday afternoons in term time from 2.45pm to 3.30pm. If you are unable to make that time, you can also email requests to
If students outgrow their uniform or leave St Bart’s, we would greatly appreciate donations of any uniform in good condition. Donations can be dropped off at the school Main Reception.
Support for School Uniform
In the interests of inclusion and the maintenance of high standards, the school will provide support for key items of uniform for eligible families. Students will be entitled to support with school uniform when they start in Year 7 if they are eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. Please note unfortunately financial refunds cannot be given for previously purchased items. In the case of extreme hardship, requests for assistance will be considered from families not eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. Any queries can be raised with the House office.
St Bart’s Uniform
Black blazer with embroidered house badge *
Black trousers – smart, tailored, OR
Black skirt either ‘GKS twin pleat’ style or ‘Thornton’ style with inverted pleat *
School shirt – white, long or short sleeve
School tie *
Black V-neck jumper with embroidered school logo in black (optional) *
Plain black socks/tights
Black shorts – smart, tailored (optional, summer term only, to be worn with blazer, shirt & tie)
PE Uniform
White unisex sports polo shirt with embroidered house logo *
Black PE shorts (without pockets) OR black skort
House colour, reversible, unisex outdoor sports top with printed logo* (Year 7 & 8 from September 2024)
Long sports socks, black with green/purple stripes * (Year 7 & 8 from September 2024)
Short white ankle/trainer socks
Non-marking sole trainers
Sports boots – moulded studs (for outdoor grass and astro sports)
Mouth guard
Shin pads
Plain black base layer top for colder weather sports (optional, worn only under long sleeved PE uniform sports top, must not be visible)
Black sports tracksuit bottoms (optional, these must not be jogging bottoms)
Boys (Year 9 upwards from September 2024) whilst stocks last
House colour reversible rugby jersey with printed logo *
Long green games socks *
Girls (Year 9 upwards from September 2024) whilst stocks last
Black/purple ¼ zip long sleeve training top with logo *
Long purple games socks *
When you see a * this item is only available from school uniform suppliers.