NWN Over 80’s Parcel Fund

 Published 15 December 2022

On Friday 9 December, St Bart’s Year 7 and Year 12 students took part in the Newbury Weekly News Over 80’s Parcel Fund, which is supported by Greenham Trust. Our local newspaper has run this initiative every year since 1897, helping West Berkshire residents bring some Christmas cheer into the lives of their older neighbours.

An army of volunteers, including St Bart’s students, organised and delivered nearly 2,000 Christmas packages to the doors of the recipients. Our Sixth Formers helped to unpack the parcels from the delivery vans, before Year 7 students headed out to make the first deliveries. Mrs Cox, Patterson House Manager, who accompanied the Year 7 students said “We were delighted to take part in the Newbury Weekly News Over 80s Parcel Fund. Community is at the heart of St Bart’s and it is fantastic that our students were able to take part in this important initiative. We all had such a fun time and it was great to see the generations chatting together and enjoying this special time of year.”

Luisa Sutherland, Year 12 student: “It was incredible to see what Newbury Weekly News does for our older generations during these times. Being able to help others is so important to our school and this was a great opportunity to volunteer and immerse ourselves within the community.”