Geography Fieldwork

On Tuesday 12 November a group of Year 9 Geography students carried out some physical geography fieldwork within the school grounds.

The aim of the fieldwork was to compare infiltration rates between four different sites; in the nature reserve under trees and in long grass, on the field and on the hard standing.

The class were divided into groups with each group given the equipment they needed. At each site the infiltration tube was pushed into the ground and 15cm of water added. A stopwatch was then started and after 30 seconds students wrote down the water level. They continued this for 5 minutes in total. This whole process was then repeated at the other three sites. Back in the classroom the results were discussed and the method evaluated.

Unsurprisingly the water did not infiltrate into the hard standing area, however it did infiltrate the fastest in an area under the trees in the nature reserve. The class were asked to write up the fieldwork for Independent Study. All students agreed that it was interesting and fun to take the learning outside and have a go at some geography fieldwork.