A Christmas Carol Trip

Published 8 December 2022

“Last week, Year 8 students went on a trip to The Old Vic in London to see their adaptation of Charles Dickens’s ‘A Christmas Carol’. It was an amazing performance with a fantastic set design and beautifully sung Christmas songs which got everyone in the mood for Christmas. The show gave a new perspective on ‘A Christmas Carol’ while still staying true to the original roots of the story. It was an amazing experience the story in a theatre that would have been around in Victorian times.

The show also had cool props, like a giant roast chicken (which came along the stage on a zip line) and parachuting peas.”

Flo Dent (8E3)

“The performance for ‘A Christmas Carol’ was one of the most exhilarating productions that I have seen. The use of the space and props were second to none. The devotion that the actors put in could be seen throughout the entire performance. With the emotion in their voices and looks on their faces, you could see their dedication and love for their job in the show.


Very simply, it was the best play I’ve ever seen. To sum up the whole play in three words; outstanding, genius and moving.”

Toby Adams (8P1)                                                         

“The Old Vic was decorated brightly and colourfully and sparkled like a jewel. The character who played Tiny Tim was my favourite. With his sweet and adorable voice, he delivered his lines immaculately. The music, smoke and sound effects really added to this drama making it very, very enjoyable to watch.”

Yudeesh Viswa Balachandran (8C2)