BartholoNews Banner Competion
BartholoNews, our school newsletter goes out weekly to staff, students and parents/carers, with a circulation of over 4800. We are looking for a BartholoNews title design for the school year 2024/2025. Last year the winning student design (below) was by Mavis in Year 13.
The new winning design will head up our weekly newsletter throughout the new school year and will include a by-line for the student designer. You will also win a certificate to include in your portfolio of work and a £30 Amazon voucher.
This is a great opportunity to have your work seen by our whole school community. It would look great on personal statements, CVs or even
House Colour applications!
Design Brief
- The design should be bold and clear and must feature the newsletter title BartholoNews.
- It should include our school logo or space for us to add the logo
- The design can be in any style or media
- Download and use the Design Template (also available at the art office, top floor Curnock) and to ensure your design has the correct dimensions.
Competition Rules
- The competition is open to any current St Bart’s student
- The deadline is midday on Friday 7 June 2024
- Entries should be either sent to or delivered to the art office (top floor Curnock) – remember to tell us your name and tutor group.