Battlefields Trip 2023

Published 25 May 2023

This term (5-7 May), Year 8 undertook a World War One Study Tour. This is the seventh successive year that St Bart’s have run this trip and 20 members of staff, four tour guides, four coach drivers and over 200 students took part! The group travelled to Belgium via coach and ferry and stayed at the Chateau d’Ebblinghem. During the visit, the students visited the Passchendaele Museum, a number of cemeteries and memorial sites (including those of George Ashwyn Curnock, Bertram Saxelbye Evers and Robert Arthur Patterson) and a chocolate shop, which proved popular! It was a great adventure and we hope that all the students involved enjoyed the experience. We would like to thank all the staff (both those that attended the trip and those that helped with the organisation) and the students for the great way they represented St Bart’s – especially when visiting places of remembrance. We asked students to write a report on the trip. Thank you to all those who took the time to do so.

Toby Adams (8P1) said I thought that the Thiepval memorial was the most interesting and saddening part of all the trip. The reason is that my friend and I calculated that over 65,000 names could be on that memorial but even that was an estimate – it could be even more.” Read more Battlefields Trip reports here.