Eco Committee Update

Published 2 November 2022

Before half term, we had a fantastic session making plans for environmental action this year around school. We began by introducing ourselves and immediately made some exciting new plans for environmental action this year. Our focuses include food, trees, waste and traffic.

For food, we are planning on researching the environmental impact of the food in the canteen and developing a traffic light system. We are looking at developing a school map of the numerous trees as an emphasis on what we have to be proud about and have discussed a tree planting initiative. We are also considering a trip to follow the school’s waste and we are hoping to follow up the research on air pollution as part of an investigation which began last year. We have just set up an Instagram page (@stbartseco) and have another meeting on the 22 November in C117 at 3.20pm. If any of those ideas interest you, please come along!