Success in Modern Foreign Languages

Language learning is not just about learning the language itself; we also like our students to develop a strong understanding of the cultural elements of the countries where the various languages are spoken. This term we have seen students following some recipes in French; here are Beatrix Busby’s fabulous waffles.

Even in Year 12, the A level German students successfully completed a German cooking challenge over the Bank Holiday weekend. The three winning entries were the Aspey family for the ‘most appetising filo pastry Apfelstrudel’, the Tillen family for ‘best effort’ with their plaited strudel and the Baker family for ‘the most realistic’ German recipe for their homemade pretzels. Congratulations to Alexia, Alfie, Lawrence and their families!

Miss Dernley also received some fabulous art work over the Easter holidays – this picture depicted traditions of German Easter, created by Erin Clark, Year 8. What talented students we have – combining languages with skills from across the curriculum! Congratulations and well done to all our MFL students who have been working so hard during this unusual time.

In Modern Foreign Languages, we have been super impressed with how well many of our students have responded to our new way of working virtually. Both the students and teachers have been getting to grips with a new interactive programme “Textivate” which uses various different activities to allow the students to learn new vocabulary and grammar structures. Many students have reached superb scores but here are some who deserve a special mention:

Mrs Hedley-Smith’s class: Alisha Prout 50,704 and Ashling Henry 47,862 (Year 8)

Mrs Sheikh’s class: Abi Hamblin 30,000 (Year 7)

Mrs Turner’s class: Jess Malcolm 27,173 (Year 8)

We have also continued using our very effective “Memrise” programme, whereby students can commit vocabulary to their long-term memory. Some outstanding scores included:

Miss Dernley’s class, Jennifer Tonge, over 500,000 points for the month of April, followed by Amit Manna and Elliot Crouch with around 200,000 points each (all Year 10). Well done all, an amazing achievement.