Year 11 Students Get ‘Real Life’ Interview Experience

Published 12 December

Following the KS3 Careers Fair, the school also held our annual Year 11 Interview Day. The event offers Year 11 students a ‘real-life’ opportunity to practice their interview technique and etiquette with representatives from the world of work.

Prior to the day, students spent time in their PDP sessions, examining skills required for work, researching career choices, producing CVs and letters of application. On the day itself, each student benefitted from an individual mock interview and feedback on their performance from interviewers. The experience is designed to help prepare students for future pathways, whether this be Sixth Form, alternative further education, an apprenticeship or employment.

The event is supported by the Education and Business Partnership West Berkshire, who work in partnership with businesses to improve the employability skills of young people. More than 30 business volunteers gave their time generously and organisations involved included AWE, Barclays, Gardner Leader, Handelsbanken, Microsoft, OpenText, New College Swindon, Priors Count Foundation, RAL Space, Sky, Shoosmiths, Splunk Vodafone and West Berkshire Council. A huge thanks to all involved.