Newbury Pride

Published 17 July 2024

St Bart's staff, students, governors, parents, and alumni proudly participated in this year's Newbury Pride parade, showcasing the school's commitment to inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community. The march started on Bartholomew Street and concluded in Victoria Park. At the park, Lee Dillon, a former St Bart's student and current Newbury MP, expressed his enthusiastic support for the school's involvement in the parade. This year marks the third annual Newbury Pride and is a significant milestone for St Bart's, as it is the first time the school has taken part. The school's participation underscores its dedication to fostering an environment where diversity and acceptance are celebrated.

St Bart’s Goes to the Polls

Published 17 July 2024

As the rest of the country took to the polls, St Bart’s had its very own Mock Election, allowing students to have their say. All of the parties that were running in Newbury were represented in our election (apart from the Freedom Alliance Party) with one candidate and someone to endorse them. The candidates were as follows: Ethan for the Conservatives, Arthur for the Greens, Amos for Labour, Harry for the Liberal Democrats, Freddie for Reform and Elis for UKIP. All the candidates took part in the hustings, answering some tough questions from the crowd, such as questions about the economy, immigration and the environment. Following this they all gave a speech in each year group’s assembly where they all performed confidently and passionately (a few candidates in particular!). A sense of what the party stood for and how they would lead was effectively communicated, and it was really exciting for us to be able to experience this, as it will be another few years before some of us will be able to vote.

Bart’s 4 Bees Trip

Published 10 July 2024

 Bart's 4 Bees took a small group out on our first trip to a working apiary last week.  Once we were all dressed up in our safety suits, we were shown around by our beekeeping mentor, Stephen.  Some of the students were a little apprehensive about being around the open hives but were so fascinated by these charismatic insects getting on with their work that the nerves soon disappeared. 

Year 12 Trip to Harwell

Published 9 July 2024

On Wednesday 26 June, we took 22 Computer Science and Physics students to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, to take part in their open week. RAL welcomed 2400 students over the course of two days, opening up their facilities for the students to take part in workshops, talks, and tours. We arrived at 10:45 and went straight into a talk on the Boulby Underground Mine and their search for dark matter. The live feed with a member of the lab team was incredibly interesting as they discussed the various experiments undertaken at the mine, including the Rosalind Franklin Rover, Nuclear Security in conjunction with the AWE, and the use of muons as an early tsunami warning indicator. After lunch, we were given a tour of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, where we saw their high-energy particle accelerators and discussed different projects they had undertaken, including the scanning of the hominin skull ‘Little Foot’ – the most complete Australopithecine fossil ever recovered. Verity said “I particularly enjoyed the tour of the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, and learning about the ways in which the site operates and the many complex and important uses of the equipment, that are helping advance our knowledge of the world around us every day.” Upon exiting ISIS, the students had the opportunity to manipulate a large mechanical robotic arm to pick up a rubber duck!

St Bart’s Stars Shine at National Theatre Awards!

Published 2 July 2024

Ten talented students from St Bart’s recently had the opportunity of a lifetime, performing at the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) awards ceremony! As part of Newbury YoungStars, a local non-profit youth theatre group, students were invited to showcase their skills on a national stage after winning the prestigious district and regional awards in 2023. "It was amazing to perform at the NODA awards ceremony. And we won the District award again for Singin’ in the rain!” shared Matilda (11C1)

BartholoNews Banner Competition

Published 2 July 2024

We are delighted to announce that Gauravi Deegwal (9C1) is the winner of the BartholoNews Banner Competition. The judges really loved her whimsical design, using our school tie! It will feature on BartholoNews for the whole academic year, starting in September! Gauravi also wins a £30 Amazon Voucher. Congratulations also go to our three runners up,

Founder’s Day

Published 1 July 2024

Last Wednesday 19 June, our school gathered for the annual St Bart’s Founder’s Day Assembly.  When people come to visit our school, they enter a 21st Century building buzzing with energy and up-to-date technology.  Yet, it is now 558 years since the founding of our school. This was a time when the War of the Roses was raging in England and Edward 4th was the King of England!

Non Uniform Day Raises over £2000

Published 27 June 2024

For Ulafu School Partnership and Shelterbox Thank you to everyone who took donated to our non-school uniform day last Friday and to those who bought cakes and jewellery from the Kenya Link Club and our House Bake Sale. A total of £2,022.08 was made on the day. This amount will split between our Ulafu School Partnership (£828) and ShelterBox (£1,194), a charity chosen by our Sixth Form students.
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