Personalised Learning
Our Personalised Learning Faculty is underpinned by the ethos that we want all students to enjoy their learning, develop in confidence and fulfil their potential, so that they can go on to thrive in an ever-changing world.
The team works across school with all our Subject Faculties and Houses to promote and support inclusivity and academic achievement for all students. We accept and celebrate neurodiversity, focussing on providing a curriculum and school experience that is tailored to different strengths and routes into learning.
Every student supported by the Personalised Learning team is in a mixed ability House based tutor group and is encouraged to participate fully in school life, from clubs to House competitions to school trips.
Our team is made up of our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), 3 Deputy SENDCos, Assistant SENDCo, 2 HLTAs and our wonderful team of Teaching Assistants and our Personalised Learning Administration team. You can find contact details for our SENDCo on our contact page.
Our Personalised Learning rooms are based in the Davis block, offering The Pod – consisting of 3 quiet classrooms, the common room, the office and a dedicated outside area. The common room is open at break and lunch when all students are welcome to drop in to the Social Club. They can spend time with our guinea pigs, play board games, take part in sensory activities, make use of the outdoor space and equipment, such as the balance board, or just enjoy some fun conversation.
How do we support personalised learning?
Please do read our SEND Information Report / Local Offer 2023-24
In Personalised Learning we:
- assess and identify special educational needs (SEND) to ensure suitable provision for each student
- work with students in class, as well as supporting them in co-curricular activities and on school trips if desired and required
- ensure teachers are informed of student SEND provisions through meetings and Individual Student Achievement Plans (iSAPs) in order that teachers can daily work on delivering a programme that enables our students to access the National Curriculum and enjoy their lessons
- work with our families and external agencies to support an EHC (education, health and care) Plan for students with special educational needs and disabilities greater than that which can be supported at school level, work with our families and external agencies to support an EHC (education, health and care) Plan.
Years 7-9
During Years 7-9 (KS3) students benefit from numeracy and literacy intervention programmes. The choice and implementation of these programmes are based on the latest research and thinking. They are chosen and designed to address specific cohort needs which may change over time.
Our KS3 students also take part in a Personalised Learning Enrichment Programme, which is timetabled on a Friday afternoon. This programme is designed to get students out of the classroom into different learning environments and is focused on building confidence and developing teamwork skills, with activities varying from gardening in school to visits to Berkshire Youth Waterside Centre and a range of therapeutic residential and in house activities including time with animals.
Years 10-11
During Years 10-11 (KS4) all subjects deliver the National Curriculum to students of all abilities. If beneficial to the individual, students are able to access alternative functional skills qualifications and a small number of students follow a work-related programme with opportunities to gain qualifications from Entry Level to Level 3. We can also facilitate part-time provision for students experiencing Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
Additional support is provided for homework and revision. This can often be during the school day or at our Personalised Learning Homework Club after school. The team also helps students with Sixth Form, university, college, apprenticeship or job applications.
The Personalised Learning team also provide significant exam support:
- assessing students for access arrangement needs. Concessions can include a small exam room, prompter, scribe, assistive technology, modified exam papers, use of rest breaks and extra time
- informing our Exam team and the exam boards of student arrangements, and administering entries
- supporting students with the exam process and experience
How do we work with families?
At Personalised Learning, our doors are always open. We welcome an ongoing conversation with our parents & carers and are always happy to book a meeting to discuss a student’s needs, progress or any other questions or concerns families might have. Our regular Coffee Mornings are a great opportunity for families to come along and meet members of our Personalised Learning team in an informal and relaxed atmosphere (younger siblings are welcome).
We also work alongside a number of external professionals including the School Nurse, Educational Welfare Officers, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, the West Berkshire Cognition and Learning Team and other specialist support services, to ensure the best outcome for our students.
Below you will find links for our parents & carers to some useful organisations:
West Berkshire Directory (a one-stop shop for help and support in West Berkshire, including information on SEND Local offer)
JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications (a membership organisation comprising the eight largest providers of qualifications in the UK offering guidance for parents, carers and students about access arrangements).