ICT Within School
There is an extensive ICT Network within the school, comprising over 600 PCs, which can be used by the students. Our curriculum engages creatively and imaginatively with technology to prepare students for the opportunities of 21st century life. The school is part way through a 1-to-1 device deployment plan with every student having a Chromebook by September 2025.
Each student has their own individual user name and password, and their own email address. The network is used in all curriculum areas to support and enhance learning.
A Multi-Functional Devices (MFD) is located on every floor in each block. The machines are used for photocopying, printing and scanning and are for both staff and student use. Access to the machines are permitted through student logins. Students with Chromebooks can send work to these printers from home and collect it when back in school. Students are allocated a capped allowance in order to use this facility.
Rules for Responsible Computer and Internet Use
Like all other school equipment the computer network should be treated with respect. We ask all students to abide with the following statements:
- I know that my use of school computers, Internet access has been provided to help me with my learning and that other use of technology may not be allowed. If I’m not sure if something is allowed then I will ask a member of staff.
- I know that my use of school computers, Internet access and email will be monitored.
- I will keep my password safe and private as my privacy, school work and safety must be protected.
- I will write emails and online messages carefully and politely; as I know they could be forwarded or seen by someone I did not intend .
- I know that bullying in any form (on and off line) is not tolerated and I know that technology should not be used for harassment.
- I will not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset, threaten the safety of or offend any member of the school community.
- I understand that it may be a criminal offence or breach of the school policy to download or share inappropriate pictures, videos or other material online. I also understand that it is against the law to take, save or send indecent images of anyone under the age of 18.
- I will protect my personal information online at all times.
- I will not access or change other people files, accounts or information.
- I will not bring memory sticks from outside school unless I have been given permission by a member of staff.
- I will only upload appropriate pictures or videos of others online and when I have permission.
- I will only use my personal device/mobile phone in school if I have permission from a teacher.
- I will make sure that my internet use is safe and legal and I am aware that online actions have offline consequences.
- I will only change the settings on the computer if a teacher/technician has allowed me to.
- I know that use of the schools ICT system for personal financial gain, gambling, political purposes or advertising is not allowed.
- I understand that the school’s Internet filter is there to protect me, and I will not try to bypass it.
- I know that if the school suspect that I am behaving inappropriately with technology, then enhanced monitoring and procedures may be used, such as checking and/or confiscating personal technologies such as mobile phones and other devices.
- If I am aware of anyone trying to misuse technology then I will report it to a member of staff.
- I will speak to an adult I trust if something happens to either myself or another student which makes me feel worried, scared or uncomfortable.
- I will be economical with printing.