Rewards & Expectations
The safety and well-being of the whole St Bart’s school community is of paramount importance. Our BARTS Values are Brave, Ambitious, Respectful, Trustworthy and Safe.
At St Bart’s we expect all members of our school community to demonstrate these values in and around the school site. BARTS Values are displayed in every classroom and are referred to in assemblies, during tutor time and in lessons.
The school community aims to encourage positive behaviour through praise and rewards. All students have an opportunity to gain rewards and/or House and School colours. BARTS points are given in recognition of students who demonstrate our BARTS Values, in particular for good work and effort, for consistency and improvement, for high standards of behaviour and attitude and for service to the school. Depending on the number of points accumulated, students can expect to receive rewards ranging from a certificate to a canteen queue pass and even an invitation to a House pizza party!
At KS3 (Years 7–9), there is a system of House Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards for wide-ranging commitment. At KS4 (Years 10 & 11) and KS5 (Sixth Form), House and School Colours will also be awarded for outstanding commitment to the life of the school, including House events.
Each year we hold KS3, KS4 and KS5 Awards evenings for those students who have completed these stages in the previous summer. It is a chance for our school community to formally recognise and celebrate the progress, achievement, excellence and involvement demonstrated by our students every day in school and to share this with parents.
Guidelines for student behaviour
We expect all students
- To be punctual at all times.
- To bring all the equipment and books needed for each session.
- To walk quietly in, and around, the school and always on the left.
- To treat the building and equipment of the school with respect.
- To show respect to others and their property.
At the start of each lesson or registration, we expect students
- To line up quietly.
- To enter the room quietly and sensibly when allowed to do so.
- To put bags under the table.
- To register in silence.
- To have books open, ready to start the lesson.
During the lesson, we expect students
- To listen carefully and respect the opinions of others.
- To work to the best of their ability.
At the end of the lesson, we expect students
- To tidy away belongings and put away equipment.
- To put chairs under tables.
- To leave the room quietly and sensibly when dismissed.
We expect students
- To follow the homework timetable, making use of Satchel:One.
- To follow the instructions given by staff and to be respectful at all times.
We expect students
- To eat only at appointed times.
- To eat only in the dining room and permitted areas.
- To follow the agreed rules regarding water bottles in classrooms.
- To clear up their own litter.
You can read our Behaviour Policy on the Policies page of our website.
The Behaviour Policy includes full details of school rules. We would ask parents to be aware of the following:
- Students should only bring equipment to school that they require for their studies. Avoid bringing cash and valuables into school. No responsibility can be accepted for personal belongings, including cycles.
- Aerosol sprays are not allowed at any time on school premises. Students are permitted to bring roll-on deodorant only.
- During school hours, students in Years 7 – 11 may not leave the site without permission. If they need to do so, prior consent is required, and the student must sign out at their House Office.
- Loss of, or damage to, school property, including books or the property of another person, must be immediately reported to a member of staff. Students will not be punished for accidental damage, but may be punished for failing to report it. The actual cost or a contribution towards replacement will usually be required.
- Chewing gum is not allowed at any time on school premises.
There are occasions when sanctions are implemented in order to reinforce the need for good behaviour. These will be imposed in a reasonable and proportionate way given the circumstances of the case and can range from withdrawal of privileges to a formal school detention.
After school detention is held after school between 3.15pm and 4.05pm. Notice will be given to parents/carers by email being sent home. The length of time served will vary from twenty minutes (Green) to forty minutes (Red).
Headteacher detention is held after school between 3.15pm and 4.50pm. Notice will be given to parents/carers by email being sent home. The length of time served will vary from one hour (Green) to one hour, twenty minutes (Red).
If you have any queries, please do contact your House office.