Reporting Absence
It is important that students attend school every day during term time, unless they are not well enough to do so. Every moment in school counts, and days missed add up quickly.
Likewise, students arriving on time for lessons with all the equipment needed and wearing school uniform correctly, enables teachers to start lessons promptly and maximise the learning experience for all students in their classroom.
You might like to read the Attendance Matters flyer produced by West Berkshire Council to support schools and parents.
Absence due to illness
Parents/carers are asked to contact the attendance hotline on 01635 576372 to report student absence. You will be asked to leave a message with the appropriate House office stating your child’s name, tutor group, reason for absence, expected length of absence and your name and contact telephone number.
Students who feel ill during school hours will be taken or sent to the House office, where they will be assessed by a first-aider. In no circumstances may a student who is unwell leave school without permission. Parents/ carers or their representatives must be prepared to collect their children if it is thought that they cannot continue until the end of the school day or they need hospital treatment. This decision will be made by the student’s House Office.
Absence due to medical/dental appointment
A student is not allowed to be absent for any reason except illness unless previous consent has been obtained. Please do contact your House office to authorise leave for routine medical or dental appointments, though we do ask that these are, where possible, arranged outside of school hours.
Absence during term time
Students and their parents/carers are asked not to take holidays during term time. In a situation where parents/carers need to request absence from school, they should request a ‘Leave of Absence’ form, available from the House office. Please note that only exceptional requests will be authorised.
Fixed Penalty Notices may be issued as recommended and supported by the Local Authority. In particular, this may apply to unauthorised holiday absences of more than ten sessions (a session is a morning or an afternoon) within a ten-week period. Parents/carers will receive notice and reminders of this when requesting Leave of Absence forms.