Introducing our Sixth Form Team
St Bart’s Sixth Form is a vibrant, inclusive and forward-thinking community.
Whatever a student’s aspirations may be, we are committed to engaging all students in sixth form life; to encouraging academic rigour, to providing leadership opportunities and to preparing students for their next steps in the wider world.
Inspiring students to aim high, we have an impressive track record in enabling students to secure places on some of the most competitive university courses and the most prestigious apprenticeships in the country.
All students are supported by a tutor, as part of one of the four Houses, led by our dedicated Sixth Form House Leaders. The system means we are able to offer excellent pastoral support as well as encourage all students to join in with our huge portfolio of clubs and House competitions.
We have a busy social calendar, which is driven by our School Officers. There really is something for everyone including sports fixtures, fundraising events, quizzes, open mics, karaoke, crafternoons, barbecues and balls.
St Bart’s Sixth Form is never boring. It’s an exciting, engaging and fun environment and we are proud to be its Heads.
Mr Owen and Mr Wilder
Our Team
Mr M Owen
Co-Head of Sixth Form
Mr J Wilder
Co-Head of Sixth Form
Mr J Cussen
Curnock Co-Sixth Form Leader
Mrs A Whyatt
Curnock Co-Sixth Form Leader
Mr D Bateman
Davis Co-Sixth Form Leader
Mrs R Talbot
Davis Co-Sixth Form Leader
Mr D Ward
Evers Sixth Form Leader
Miss M Bilcliff
Patterson Sixth Form Leader
Mrs H Garrety
Sixth Form Office Manager
Mrs C Adcock
Sixth Form Administrator (Admissions)