Journey to School
The school site is very busy at all times, particularly at the start and end of the school day. As part of the school’s sustainability strategy, we are keen to reduce our climate impact and minimise the schools’ carbon emissions. We’d also like to promote healthy lifestyles and exercise.
Please do encourage students to walk or cycle to school (please note it is not permitted to use a scooter). There are available cycle racks at school, where students should lock their bicycles. Bicycles are left at students’ own risk and the school cannot be held liable for the loss or damage of bicycles.
Safety is really important:
- We expect students to wear a helmet
- Cycling is not allowed within the school grounds
- Please follow the one-way traffic system
If you are driving please do consider dropping off or collecting students away from the school site, ideally a meeting point other than Buckingham Road or Fifth Road. A good walk would be an excellent way to begin and end the school day!
If you do need to enter the school site to drop off or collect students in the car, we would ask parents to be considerate to the school community and to please:
- not block local residents’ driveways
- turn off engines when waiting to collect
- only use the disabled parking bays if you have a blue disabled badge
- be aware of cyclists and pedestrians
- ensure you follow the one-way traffic system
If you are collecting students during the School Day, upon arrival at the school, all visitors are required to report to Main Reception.