Parent Apps
St Bart’s regularly uses a number of applications to facilitate administration for parents & carers.
We recommend that where possible all parents & carers download and sign in to these applications – either via your phone or home computer. If you have any concerns about doing so, or are unable to access these for any reason please do contact your student’s House office.
ParentPay is the method of making payments to school and a convenient way for parents/carers to top-up catering balances and /or pay for trips and activities using a credit/debit card online.
To access ParentPay, please log in to ParentPay (log in and passwords supplied by the school). If you have not received, or have lost your ParentPay school Introductory letter, including details of how to set-up your account, please contact the school’s Finance Office.
You can also use this guide to set up ParentPay Alerts (link to document)
To purchase items from the School Shop (revision guides, art supplies, calculators etc) or for Exams: Access to Scripts and Exams: Review of Marking, please visit the ParentPay Shop.
For adhoc payments (e.g. external exam candidates, lost library books, printed resources material, and letting deposits); please visit ParentPay adhoc payments page. Please only use this link if you have been instructed to do so by the relevant department.
All students are required to do homework and this will be set by teachers using the Satchel:One software. Parents will receive log-ins to allow them to see the full details of the work set for their own child and whether it is still due or completed. Students have their own individual log-ins.
Parents’ Evening
Our Parents’ Evening system is an easy to use online appointment booking system that allows our parents and carers to book their own appointments with teachers. We will inform parents and carers when appointments for Parents’ Evening open for booking. Appointments will be limited and assigned on a first come, first served basis.
A user account is automatically created for parents & carers with priority 1 on our system, however both parents are able to attend appointments. Priority 1 parents can log in using their full name and email address as well as their child’s full name and date of birth.