CCF Army Autumn Term
As with both the RAF and RN sections, the Army cadets have had plenty to do. September saw the Year 10s embarking on the new CCF Army cadet syllabus which is now closely aligned with that of the ACF where cadets can achieve Basic/1*/2*/3*/4* qualifications. An early Field Day in October enabled cadets to cover some early basics including cooking in the field and elements of fieldcraft such as camouflage and concealment, while school-based activities have already covered aspects of military knowledge, first aid and the air rifle.
Year 11 cadets have continued to push on with elements that will enable them to complete either the Basic or Advanced Proficiency certificate. Field Day in October saw the Year 11 Army section participating with enthusiasm, and 39 cadets staying on for the Night Exercise through Friday evening into Saturday morning, when they undertook ambush drills and section attacks with many blank rounds fired. This enabled many to complete the fieldcraft syllabus. The Year 11 cadets participated in a range of problem solving and leadership activities led by the Army Engagement Team during one of their Friday afternoon timetabled sessions (see photo!). They have now begun the series of round-robin activities involving air rifle shooting, archery, a local mapex (A navigation exercise around Newbury/Speen Moor area) and first aid on a Friday afternoon.
We continue to be supported by a very good group of senior cadets in Years 12 and 13 who take the lead instructing in many activities. As always, the Year 12 cadets have completed the course on cadet instructional techniques.
In September 2023, the CCF re-introduced a BTEC course for those in Year 12, Personal Development and Leadership. Take-up was 16 cadets across all three sections with only one dropping out early on. Almost all have completed successfully already. This year’s take-up was smaller, but those involved are being given the excellent assistance by the visiting tutor on her four 2-hour visits.
CCF into 2025
The CCF already has plenty on the calendar for the coming year. Field Days are in the planning stage for both March and June, while the Easter Adventurous Training week will include climbing, watersports and mountain biking as well as a 2 day expedition. With both 35 and 45 mile teams participating in Ten Tors this year, those involved will be busy with Sunday walks through the Spring Term, followed by the final team selection weekend and then the Ten Tors event early in the Summer Term. Additionally, the Army section has been allocated 35 spaces on the Cadet Training Team run Summer Camp at Okehampton in July. As always, a wide range of opportunities to engage with as a part of the CCF, and plenty more to come!