Young Enterprise Final Success
Our Young Enterprise company Flame Fortune participated in the Young Enterprise area final on 22 April at Oracle, Thames Valley Business Park, Reading.
This event is the culmination of all the work that students have put into the program since September. Students set up an exhibition stand, which was visited by a team of judges, and they were questioned on their business activity, the processes they followed and the skills they have developed as a Young Enterprise participant. Each competing team gave a short presentation, detailing their business story. Judges then selected winning teams in areas such as business planning, innovation, company report and organisation and management. We are the only West Berkshire school participating in Young Enterprise.
Our Young Enterprise team did an amazing job on Monday evening. They were very smart and professional in their appearance, the trade stands looked great, they spoke to the judges with enthusiasm and delivered a polished presentation. The teams were awarded with participation trophies for getting to this stage, as many student companies fail in the early days of the program.
Flame Fortune were also winners of the award for Best Company Report and were overall runners-up on the evening. They will now, with the winners, represent Berkshire at the regional final on 16 May. We wish them every success in this event!
Prizes were presented by Mr Andrew Try, Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire.
‘Getting to meet entrepreneurs and business heads through Young Enterprise was inspirational and has taught me many valuable skills’. – Robert Lambert
I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Young Enterprise and for me it has taught me many important lessons, for example – there is nothing more powerful than success, especially when you have worked long and hard to get there. Similarly, Young Enterprise has taught me how to work in a team and appreciate the differences that our team may have’. – Tom Grimbleby
The students who took part on the evening are: Sakshi Kamra, Sreelakshmi Sreejith, Barney Owen, Alec Dukes,
Robert Lambert, Mikey Cloete and Tom Grimbleby. Also in the company but unable to attend the event, are Jennifer Bibin and Laura Swanson.