Careers Guidance
At St Bart’s we aim for every student to have access to good-quality information about future study options and labour market information. This is provided through the careers section of the school library, our school website, a series of annual events such as the +16 Destinations Fair and the Options at 18 Evening, Sixth Form Applicant Groups and via the Unifrog online platform which is available to all years.
Our Careers Library
Student’s have access to our Careers Library which is situated within the main school library, from there students can browse brochures, booklets and leaflets or use the IT facilities to clarify ideas, view and print information, or work on their CV.
Unifrog is the Destination Platform that we use in school. All our students have access to Unifrog and it enables them to:
- Explore careers
- Explore University and apprenticeship information
- Complete self-assessment tests to identify next steps or possible careers
- Complete CVs, UCAS personal statements and apprenticeship applications.
It also enables students to create an ongoing record of key achievements and activities, which are regularly reviewed with their tutors. Please encourage students to log-in and demonstrate the Unifrog site to you.
16+ Destinations Fair
In January, Year 10 and 11 students and parents have the opportunity to attend a destination fair held in the school hall. A number of post-16 providers are on hand to discuss the courses they offer, as well as organisations that can support students in making choices. It is an opportunity for students to find out about alternative options post-16 and to investigate the option of following an apprenticeship route. Students are able to make applications and find the event very useful.
Organisations who have recently supported the event include: Activate Learning (with information about Reading College, Bracknell and Wokingham College), Basingstoke College of Technology, Newbury College, Sparsholt College, West Berkshire Training Consortium and West Berkshire Council.
Options at 18 Evening
Our Options at 18 Evening is held for parents in the Summer term of Year 12. The evening offers a series of presentations on routes post 18 including UCAS & University, Apprenticeships, Employment, Sports and Gap Years. The evening explains key milestones in Year 13 and outlines the support that is available to students in school, including presentations on the Early Entrant Programme, the Apprenticeship Applicant Group and Creative Arts Applicant Group.
Apprenticeship Applicant Group
The Apprenticeship Application Group meets regularly to explore the types of apprenticeships available, to understand what employees are looking for from candidates and to support students with developing the skills required to make a successful application. As part of the programme, students also take part in apprenticeship support masterclass held at the Vodafone Headquarters Conference Pavilion.
Creative Arts Applicant Group
The Creative Applicants Group supports students who are interested in university courses in the creative fields. Help is given to navigate the multitude of different (often niche) options available, identify the best possible courses and universities, advise on with initial applications and portfolio/showreel/audition tape preparation as well as offering practice interviews and auditions.
The group also identifies work experience opportunities for students which will bolster their applications and organises external talks and visits to further improve students’ understanding of the range of options available to them. Applicants aspiring for elite conservatoires and specialist drama schools are supported as they undertake the different application processes involved, often with earlier application windows.