Careers Programme
St Bart’s Careers Education Programme is delivered through PDP lessons, assemblies and through separate Careers Events.
Our Programme
- Reviewing, target setting and the way forward
- Self esteem and aspiration
- Careers Assembly
- Careers Fair and booklet
- Library activities – careers week and apprenticeship week
- Unifrog
- Labour Market Information
We work with a number of supporting organisations on a regular basis, including the Education Business Partnership West Berkshire, The Careers and Enterprise Company, STEM, Young Enterprise and, and the school is also a very active member of the West Berkshire Careers Network.
The Department for Education released guidance in October 2024 and based on this we are working to ensure we meet all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
You can read our Careers Education & Guidance Policy and our Careers Provider Access Policy by visiting our School Policies page.
You can discover more about our careers data by visiting our Exam Results & Destinations page.