For the first time since the pandemic, we are delighted to say that the MFL department had a very successful trip to France with 33 students at the end of last week. The trip was jammed packed with activities for four full days starting at 5am on Friday 29 November.
The group stayed in Boulogne-Sur-Mer and did cultural trips to Calais, Le Touquet and Lille; visiting a boulangerie, a chocolaterie, Le Musée des Beaux-Arts and they saw the Christmas markets in Lille. The highlight for the staff was to see our students conversing in French with their French pen pals at different events throughout the four-day trip.
The French students come from the Jean Jaurés school in Étaples, Le Touquet, and it was great to start to build links again with a partner school. Our students took part in speed-dating, a scavenger hunt and a disco at the weekend and then had a full day in school with their French pen pals on the Monday before returning to St Bart’s late on Monday night.
Our students were an absolute credit to us and were complimented wherever we went for their ability to understand and converse in French and for their excellent standards in behaviour. Despite the extremely early start (!), all in all, it was a total pleasure to take our students away. A huge thank you to Miss Wright (and Mrs Sheikh) for organising the trip and to Mr Force-Jones who also accompanied the students.
Here is what one of our Year 11 students, Josephine Wheeler, had to say about the trip:
“All together I found the trip to France highly enjoyable. Being able to be immersed in the French culture, interact with people I would not have otherwise met and test out my language skills in a unique and refreshing way, was really special. The days were jam packed with fun and new activities, and I was never bored! My personal favourite was going to the French market and then using the things we bought to make our Saturday lunch and also going to the Christmas market in Lille. Meeting our pen pals was another great experience; I found everything we did not only a wonderful way to incorporate my French speaking skills, but also enjoyable just to be there. This experience will stay with me as an unforgettable memory.”