Evers House Update
As we come to the end of a busy Autumn Term, everyone in the Evers community is looking forward to a well-earned rest. All Evers students have worked tremendously hard in and out of the classroom. We have had lots of successful sports fixtures, Year 7 Activity Days, House Music, Staff Dodgeball, Children in Need fundraising and lots and lots of bake sales!
The Evers Office continues to thrive this year with Mr Edens, Mr Turner and Mrs Willcox. We are thankful for the positive atmosphere provided when Evers students pop in to see us. We are particularly pleased to see so many of our Evers students being rewarded for 100% attendance this term!
The Evers House Captains – Megan, Alex, Grace, Aadi and Morgan – have been SUPERB in leading our students in lots of different activities and initiatives this term. Megan continues to find ways of leading students in raising money for our House Charity, West Berks Mencap. So far this year, we have raised £780! Most recently the tutees of 9E2 held a cake sale raising nearly £60. Well done Oli, Rose, Isabella, Isambard, Aiden, Emily, Rayan, and Luke.
And Megan has raised nearly £200 with her raffle for this delicious-looking chocolate hamper!
Thank you all for your superb efforts in continuing to raise money for West Berks MENCAP J
Grace led our Evers House Music contributions, which was brilliant. It was so good to see so many Evers students involved in this – something we look forward to every year. Morgan and Alex have been pivotal in developing sports teams for our House competitions, while Aadi helped to take the lead in organising entertainment with other House Captains for the annual Year 7 Christmas Party.
We wish everyone in Evers a happy end of term and hope that you all have a great holiday! We look forward to a bright shiny New Year in 2024!