11feb4:00 pm4:30 pmKS4 Badminton Festival (4pm)
11feb4:00 pm4:30 pmY8 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
12feb4:00 pm4:00 pmY10B Team Area Football Tournament at Trinity School (A) 4.00pm
12feb4:00 pm4:30 pmKS3 Badminton Festival (4pm)
12feb4:00 pm4:30 pmSixth Form West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
13feb4:00 pm4:30 pmY7&8 Handball Festival (4pm)
13feb4:00 pm4:30 pmY9 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
25feb4:00 pm4:30 pmY7 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
25feb4:30 pm5:00 pmYear 8 Boys Football v Kennet (H) 4pm
26feb2:30 pm2:30 pm1st XI Football League v Downs (A) 2.30pm
26feb4:00 pm4:00 pmY11B Team Area Football Tournament at Trinity School (A) 4.00pm
26feb4:00 pm4:30 pmY11 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
27feb4:00 pm4:30 pmY10 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
27feb4:30 pm5:00 pmYear 10 Boys Football v Kennet (H) 4pm
02mar12:00 am11:59 pmCCF Sunday Walk 4
04mar4:00 pm4:30 pmYear 7 Boys Football v Kennet and PHS @ JOG (A) 4.00pm
05mar1:00 pm1:00 pmArea Cross Country (1pm)
05mar4:00 pm4:30 pmYear 11 Boys Football v Downs (A) 4pm
06mar4:00 pm4:30 pmYear 9 Boys Football v Downs (A) 4pm
11mar4:00 pm4:30 pmY8 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
11mar4:30 pm5:00 pmYear 8 Boys Football v Downs (A) 4pm
12mar2:15 pm2:15 pm1st XI Football League v Park House (H) 2.15pm
12mar4:00 pm4:30 pmSixth Form West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
13mar4:00 pm4:30 pmY9 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
16mar12:00 am11:59 pmCCF Sunday Walk 5
17mar9:50 am10:50 amY10 House Lacrosse & Basketball (10R1 Released) (P2)
18mar11:10 am12:10 pmY8 House Lacrosse & Basketball (CD Released) (P3)
18mar1:10 pm2:10 pmY7 House Lacrosse & Basketball (EP Released) (P4)
18mar4:00 pm4:30 pmY7 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
19mar9:50 am10:50 amY9 Lacrosse & Basketball (J released) (P2)
19mar4:00 pm4:30 pmY11 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
20mar9:50 am10:50 amY11 House Lacrosse & Basketball (11Q1 Released) (P2)
20mar4:00 pm4:30 pmY10 West Berkshire League Netball (4pm)
20mar4:30 pm5:00 pmYear 9 Boys Football v Trinity and JOG @ JOG (A) 4pm
25mar4:00 pm4:30 pmYear 8 Boys Football v Trinity and JOG @ JOG (A) 4pm
26mar4:00 pm4:30 pmYear 11 Boys Football v Trinity and JOG @ JOG (A) 4pm
27mar4:00 pm4:30 pmY7 & 8 Handball Festival (4pm)
27mar4:30 pm5:00 pmYear 10 Boys Football v Trinity and Mary Hare @ JOG (A) 4pm
01apr4:00 pm4:30 pmKS4 Badminton Festival (4pm)
02apr4:00 pm4:30 pmKS3 Badminton Festival (4pm)
03apr4:00 pm4:30 pmY7 & 8 Table Tennis Festival (4pm)